SmartCoat Welcomes our Johor Distributor.. Clense Tech Sdn Bhd

We would like to express our warmest welcome to our new distributor, Clense Tech Sdn Bhd from Johor. The company is run by a group of very committed team from various industries. The Southern Part of Malaysia is now being taken care by this team.

Training Clense Tech - Automotive
Training Clense Tech – Automotive




SmartCoat Training - Buildings
SmartCoat Training – Buildings



The training was completed in 3 days from product knowledge, to technical application to sale and marketing and outlet visits. Clense Tech may be new, but they are fully capable of handling the business for SmartCoat in the Southern Region..

SmartCoat Applied Sungai Buloh Hospital and its ICU

Early 2013, we applied another hospital call, Sungai Buloh Hospital. This is the first Governmental Hospital applying SmartCoat in Malaysia. ImageFirst, we applied its administration office..


Then we applied its medical storage rooms


Lastly, we proceeded with the application of SmartCoat at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

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Are We Afraid of COMPETITIONS??

We have been in the market for the 8th years now.. We have met a lot of potential partners asking us the same question again and again and again…. DO WE HAVE COMPETITORS in the MARKET? ARE YOU AFRAID OF THEM?
Well, to be frank, we were afraid during our first 2 years in business and we even tried to avoid such question by either keeping quiet or just gently swing the question away….
But now… We will tell you, the more competitors come into the market the better. This is the only way people who have passions in this industry, stirs up the market through education. As you can see, our nano tio2 business is a very technical thing that no laymen can understand it easily. They need to be educated by more players in the market in many different ways.
We, Arc Flash Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd alone cant do the job of educating the public and there’s no government support to promote such a wonderful technology. So the best way is to welcome competitors, but quality ones. There are many impostors of such technologies in the market. Now, these are the people that we are afraid of.

Anyway, back to competitions. We are not afraid of competitors anymore. Why? you may ask….
I think with 8 years of experiences of doing this business in the market, we Arc Flash Corporation does contribute to some trusts in the market that we are giving our customers our best.

Over the years, we have developed so many industries and our customers don’t come to us because we sweet talked them. Its because we really provide them with high end solutions to solve their problems be it in the self cleaning sector or the antimicrobial sector or even the indoor air quality sector.

Our Customers


With customers such as the above, topping up with THE REAL ESTATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (MALAYSIA), our first Platinum Status Green Building (THE DIAMOND BUILDING), Works MInistry’s Building (JKR) at Putrajaya, G-Tower Hotel (another Green Building), PAM (Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia/ Malaysia Architect Association) and many more strong customers, we believe that we have somehow formed a very high bar as a benchmark for comparison with new players in the market.

Some Of Our Many Application Tests at Site



This test must be specially highlighted. Take note on the test dates of point 1 and 2 and the test date no. 3 which is done 10 months after point no. 2. Do you noticed that the results are even better?

We would say, no one has done such tests before on actual site. Most of their tests are done in the lab, where they create an ideal environment to test on their own product. To us, this is a way that they lie to themselves, trying to convince themselves that their product works, and at the same time, they do not have the confidence to proof that their product works upon application. This is because, the product may work in a certain way where you want it to work in the lab, but it may change when its being applied onto surfaces.


If the above is not enough to build our confidence against new players, check out some words that our customers gave us…





Over these passed few years, we have presented many times to our local government and many of the departments knows us well.

Here are 2 letters issued by our local government to support our product as a protection against H1N1 in year 2009.


Another very good reference that we get was from RIPAS, the ministry of health of Brunei which was a very thorough report.
What we are interested was stated in the last paragraph…


Those were just some of our many valuable references in our profile. Do we need to show more to build our confidence against future competitions? We will carry on expanding our profile and references to build a stronger “US”…

How Will Customers Compare?

1. Period of Existance
Yes…. there has been numerous players in the market but surviving 8 years? We are the only one… By so, we can give longer period of warrantee due to our long existence

2. Track Records
We have built a very large database of track records showing our capabilities in all the industries that our nano tio2 is applicable to over these passed 8 years…

3. Price
Arc Flash quotes the most competitive pricing in the market. Together with its track records and experiences, no one will be able to match its pricing structures, its services and quality of work

4. Accessibility
If you type nano tio2 malaysia, nanoyo, or any other related key words of this technology in Malaysia, WE WILL BE THE FIRST YOU WILL FIND….

Here are just some of the many factors that customers will consider when they do a search of a particular product to consider using. So, are we ready for competition? Yes we are…. Looking forward to of of service for you…


There has been researches mentioned that nowadays, even the air inside our buildings is worse that the air outside. This is mainly due to the finishes that we have using on our walls and ceilings (eg, paints and glues used on wall papers), floors (eg, materials used on our carpets), open spaces (eg, use of fragrances), washing materials (fragrances detergents) and etc. All the mentioned materials emits VOCs. Most of these VOCs contains harmful gasses that is dangerous to human Heath over a long time.
These danger can’t be seen and felt. The only way we can detect is either by smelling or using VOC testers.

Besides VOCs, even other micro-organic matters like bacteria, virus, molds/fungus and other allergens that we can’t see will harm our health over time. How can we know whether or not our home of offices or even our cars are filled with all these harmful microbes? They cannot be seen and felt as well. Again, there are numerous swap test equipments and expertise our there who is able to detect them.

So, what do we do after detection of such harmful matters that we have been living with? We take actions by trying to eliminate them. There are a lot of products that have the ability to minimize such contaminants, but does anyone really know what to use? Do they depend on a physical product like an air purifier? After determining that, do they go for the brands and then comparing prices? When they purchase these products to counter the IAQ problems, do they even check the air quality and cleanness of their surfaces once a while to make sure what they have purchased is useful? If they don’t, what makes them trust the products they are using? What different does that make to using nanoyo?

Nanoyo is a form of liquid which contains nano sized tio2. This liquid is applied onto all surfaces in the interiors of a building. This includes all ceilings, walls, floors and even all the furnitures and fittings within a building. When all these mentioned surfaces are applied with nanoyo, when there is like at presence, the treated surfaces will begin to have an ability to decompose anything that is organic upon contact. Therefore, it is able to oxidize VOCs, molds, odor, bacteria and viruses through a process call photocatalyst reaction.
The purpose of covering all the surfaces in the environment is to make use of every treated surfaces to work against all these harmful microbes. Nano tio2, when applied, can last a long time. It’s lifespan can be as long as 2 to 3 years without any maintenance like plugging it into your power supplies or even changing filters like air purifiers. The invisible coat, when applied onto surfaces, will never change the finishing of the surfaces.

So now, we have another option to consider when we are looking for something to solve our IAQ problem. Nanoyo has been in Malaysia for more than 7 years, applied to many premises such as hospitals, hotels, offices, residentials, karaokes, f&b outlets and etc, helping to solved different problems faced by the patrons here.
To find out more, please visit nanoyo or email us on

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